I am not sure if everyone who is reading this blog has had problems posting comments or not. I have adjusted the setup so that hopefully it is easier for everyone to do so. You can register with Google if you want to leave a comment or you can select either anonymus or URL/Name as a way to leave a comment without having to sign up for an account. Hopefully this makes it easier for everyone. I will post more about my week later today.
hey this is stu ran into your dad and your pup the other day both are doing good talked with your dad for while said he had talked to you the other day hope you are weel looks like you are having some fun and quit slacking i know you any way its good to see your stuff from their. You are missing alot here not really been warm and no snow yet so you know what trhat means yea more trail work got the backhoe back so we are running again at full tilt got a lot of overlays to do and am going to try to get 3 culverts set 2(40s) and 1(20) weel got to go talk to you soon.