Well the past week the weather has gotten warmer, the clouds have gone away, work has been great and I have the day off what more could you ask for. The temperatures are warming up nicely during the day 32+ and at night it is cool but not uncomfortable to be working in. We had a busy night last night at work so I am glad to have tonight off to relax. We had to build 10 pallets for flights and only had 2 1/2 by lunch. We were able to regroup and get 9 of the 10 done in time. The 10th one was a low priority pallet, but we worked hard to get everything else done in time. Everyone came together as a team to make it happen.
On Saturday night I got to go to Discovery Hut and look inside. It is hard to believe that it was built in 1902 by Robert Falcon Scott for his Discovery Expedition. The original plan was to use the hut for living for 3 years, his expedition soon found out that the hut was a bad design so they were not able to keep it warm enough to live in so they made it into storage and lived in their ship they sailed in on. It is hard to believe having been inside the hut and having seen the expected living conditions, food and clothing that they expected to live from the hut for 3 years. I am glad to have the modern clothing, cooking utensils and food that we do or else this would be a lot harder than expected.
On Tuesday I was able to go to Scott Base again in the morning to do a little shopping in the Kiwi's canteen. I had heard stories about the nicer shirts and options available there than here at McMurdo. I was kind of surprised by the difference that a station of 65 people gave better options than the station of 1027. I hoped to hike Ob hill today but I don't think I will make it since it is getting later than I had hoped as I finish this post up. I am hoping that Sunday I will be able to since it will be a long week and a half for me. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving weekend as I have 3 days off in a row.
Hope all is well.
Some food supplies inside Discovery Hut
The cooking stove
Inside and more food
Baking powder anyone?
100 year old Cocoa
Kippered Herring
100 year old oatmeal
Dog bisquits
More Cocoa
A few windows
These marks are on the wood floor from where they chopped up seals
A little information placard
A view from outside
The Sea Ice Runway and Ice Town
Outside Discovery Hut
A little more information
Discovery Hut again
Discovery Hut and McMurdo Station in the background
Vince's Cross
A little view from Scott Base and the sea ice/ice shelf change
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