Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The end nears.

Well it is hard to believe but the end to this adventure is quickly approaching. I found out that I am scheduled to leave on February 22. Though I have been told that this date could change to have me stay longer. I am glad that I have both a flexible schedule and a group of family and friends that understand this. So we shall see what happens. If I leave on the 22 I hope to spend 3 weeks in New Zealand traveling around the South Island and than 4 days in Sydney and 4 days in Honolulu and will be back in Denver on March 24. Hopefully in time to celebrate my niece Orlys first birthday and welcome into the world my new niece. I can't wait to see, hold and play with Andy, Breandan and Orly again.

Now onto a different topic. Having been here now for close to 3 months, I have seen a lot and at time wished I had my camera, now I find myself carrying my camera with me, but not using it as much anymore. I am not sure why but I hope to see something new for photos to share but I also realize that I am having fun with my friends and just forget to take pictures. I am amazed by the different activities that go on down here. We had a dodgeball tournament last weekend, this weekend there was a softball tournament, this upcoming weekend there is a marathon, there are craft fairs, auctions and fundraisers. These activities make McMurdo feel a lot more like home. I have played in the dodgeball tournament and the softball tournament. I think that if I come back next year I want to help out the with softball tournament more. I know with my background I can make it more fun and safer for everyone. This weekend I also participated in a Mustache Roulette, this is not something easy to describe but just know that those of us who entered into the contest lost our beards and had different designs shaved into them. I had a design that would not work with my beard so I up'd the anti and said that highest bidder could chose what I got. Highest bidder won with me shaving my whole head. So now I look like I am under going cancer treatment. It is a little weird looking into the mirror in the morning but I am okay with my choice knowing that the money that was raised went to Prostate cancer research. In the end the night made $813.00.

This past week a group of us took a picture in front of the McMurdo sign in the "Tebow" pose and from the sounds of it we made it onto both local and national tv, tebowing.com and on the Denver Post website. What a week.

I hope you enjoy the pictures this week and I apologize if my bald head scares you.

A Skua at LDB

A rock on the Ob Hill Loop trail

McMurdo sound from Ob Hill Loop

Tebowing in front of the sign

A group shot

Throwing a Frisbee around at the airfield

Playing baseball at the airfield

A little more baseball

Before I got my head shaved

After I got my head shave. Head, eyebrows and beard all gone.

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